Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Δευτέρα 16 Νοεμβρίου 2020

ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER NO.:003/215/1902002448/2000300366/11/16/2020/PJT LPO

Dear Sir,

We are pleased to award this contract on you for the supply of items in accordance with the terms and conditions. (Order Copy attached herewith). Please acknowledge the receipt of this mail. Please send the Original Invoice under following address. • DF PLANT. David R. Scott 203 Pedregal de las Águilas - 14439 Mexico DF • QRO PLANT. El Marqués Industrial Park Mex-Qro Highway Km. 195.5 Av. Del Virrey No. 01 - 76246 El Marqués Qro. Don't send the Original Invoice along with materials.


Thanks & Regards,

Betsaida Erver   

Customer Service Jr. +52 (55) 56 55 05 65 Ext. 1316 · betsaida.e@ferrandiz.com.mx

Ferrándiz SA de CV

  • DF PLANT.David R. Scott 203 Pedregal de las Águilas - 14439 Mexico DF - Tel. +52 (55) 5655 05 65/48
  • QRO PLANT.El Marqués Industrial Park Mex-Qro Highway Km. 195.5 Av. Del Virrey No. 01 - 76246 El Marqués Qro.- Tel. +52 (442) 253 1335/37/74

"We are specialists in the production of Instructions, Folding Boxes, Blister Packs. For the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and health care industries"

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