Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Σάββατο 20 Αυγούστου 2011

lotto-nl Winnings

Lotto Netherlands
Laan van Hoornwijck 55
2289 DG Rijswijk
The Netherlands
Dear Lucky Winner
The Lotto Netherlands wishes to inform you that you have won the sum of  € 900.000.00(Nine Hundred Thousand Euros Only). 
The Lotto Netherlands. draws was conducted from an  exclusive list of 13 lucky emails of individual and corporate
bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer search. No tickets were sold
Ticket Nr: NLN 86485217482148972 97427.
Batch Nr: NLN 2329317635197437-UQG/2011.
Security File Nr:451767050797737.
Ref Nr: NLN 8501870209289/ES 877.
The Lotto Netherlands and the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) of the 2011 Lotto Netherlands celebration hereby Agrees, That the winning information written above are the orignal winning information as it was selected by the computer on 19th day of August  2011, And that the winner who these winning information has been sent to,will be paid the winning sum of € 900.000.00 euros without fail..
To file for your claims and due remittance of funds contact Mr Hans Daniels on the information below.
Claims Officer
Mr Hans Daniels
Remittance Department Personnel
You are required to claim your winnings by August  26th, 2011 otherwise  it rolls over to the next draw.
N.B: Procedures to claiming your prize: 
1. Please quote your Reference number in all correspondence with the claims officer.
2. Indicate your Full Name, Address, Country, Telephone, Mobile, Fax Number, Occupation and Age. 
Furthermore, should there be any change of address do Inform the CLAIM AGENT as soon as possible.
Congratulations once more from our members of staff.
Once again on behalf of all our staff CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Note: Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified...
For a smooth and safe collection, you are required to keep your Reference Number confidential.
Miss Elena Salvatore
Winnings Coordinator.  
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   Het gebruik van deze informatie via andere dan de opstand verboden. publicatie,
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