Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Σάββατο 16 Οκτωβρίου 2010


Dear Friend,
I got your contact information from a reputable business directory of your country which gives me assurance of your legibility as a business person. My name is Patrick Paign a lawyer and a financial consultant. I represent the interest of a client, Mrs. Vivian Salem Mate, wife of late Nasim Mate , an Iraqi who lost his life when an American tank shelled their car as the family attempted to flee heavy fighting in Baghdad. View the Website below for detailed story of how I lost my family.
I am making this contact with you on the strength of my client's need for an individual such as you, who will be willing to receive money on her behalf abroad.
Your role as a partner will be to devise the necessary business plan based on your knowledge of the domestic economy in your country. To oversee the day to day management of the business that will be established there in your country with this capital (U.S$4,500,000).
The establishment of this joint business venture with the above mentioned fund will be carried out in a manner consistent with the prevailing international laws and that of your country guiding such an investment. In the event that you are willing to work with me on this project as a partner, provide me with your direct telephone number for further communication.
You can contact me as soon as you read this letter.
Best regards
Patrick Paign

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