Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Τετάρτη 31 Οκτωβρίου 2012

Πέμπτη 25 Οκτωβρίου 2012


Hello, I saw your id and decided to share an issue with you but first of all, you must give me a guarantee of secrecy before I will be able to give you the full detail of the scenario which am extremely sure that you will like to share with me as well.
AN official introduction of my humble self; My name is Miss Aracely Herinquez A medical student, Am  24 years of age. I am a Venezuela by origin but born and brought up in Bani Walid -Libya.
More about myself; Am the only surviving daughter of late Mr. Alberto Herinquez who was the late financial adviser to the late Colonel  Gadaffi. My father was captured together with Gadafi and many other of his supporters. They were all was executed including the General himself. Two of my brothers and my only sister was also consumed by the war. Again, My mother who has been the only family I have got since the death of my father was shot down in a cool blood by the Opposition to the present Administration who has vowed to unseat the present regime. I watched my mother bleed to death as there was absolutely nothing I could have done to save her life when she stopped the moving bullet with her chest.
What my dad left behind is too big for me to handle alone now that my mum is dead. I have no other family or a reliable friend to turn to at this critical moment of my life for a decision making process. Even the so called friends of my father are searching for me to take away what rightfully belong to me. All this has successfully deleted the word TRUST in my dictionary and since i cant trust anyone dawn here, coupled with the fact that am not big enough to handle this situation that I have found myself, I am now temped to share it with you but not until you prove and explain to me who you are and most importantly, how reliable you are in keeping a secret and keeping your word.
Am waiting expectantly to sharing this idea in that white thing in my head I calls my brain with you after I must have received a positive and encouraging reply from you. And please note that my present situation here demands for an urgent response from you. Do not keep me waiting.
In conclusion, the late Gadafi loyalist who has vehemently turned down the order by the Federal Government to hand over their arms has vowed to unseat the administration. They have already started war since two days now in Sirte Bani Walid-Libya and uncountable people has already been killed. Though you must have been aware of all this if you have been following Aljazeera news. I intended to settle dawn here because it happens to be the only county i know ever since I was born but this second round of war is unbearable. I lost my entire family here to war and I wouldn't like to perish here by their guns. This is the motive behind my writing you for a possible rescue and I have a lucrative offer for your services.
Because of the consequences and out come of the war, a lot of things has been destroyed and vandalized and this has made it very difficult for us down here to have access to good water, medication, most especially access to internet service etc.
Yours Aracely Herinquez
Your indication of interest to this great opportunity proposal shall be highly appreciated, and need your response and answer to the below questions
1...Do you have the Financial Ability to help  handle  fund?
2.. Do your account have the ability to accommodate huge amount of  fund?
3.. The fund is completely out of Libya?
4.. What is your nationality?
5.. What is your position?
6.. What area of investment do you think this amount will be invested?
7.. Have you received money overseas before?
8.. What is your full name
9.. What is your phone and mobile.
10..Do you know or have idea of Gold Bar and Dust?
11..  Can you make emergency trip to where the fund and gold was lodged to enable you see everything with your eyes.
12.. Do you know any buyer who can travel down to where the Gold is lodged to enable him see, pick up sample straight to the refinery to confirm the purity before discussing on the affordable price to be given.
13.. The quantity is valued  250 Gold Dust Kilos and 125 Kilos Gold Bar which was moulded in A kilos each.
Product: Gold, 22 carat +, 93% Purity or better
a)    COMMODITY:    Aurum Utalium (AU)
b)    FORM:      Gold Dust
c)    PURITY:  93% +
d)    FINENESS: 22 carats

Τρίτη 16 Οκτωβρίου 2012

Promote your Aggelia in Roumania



Μόνο με 45 ευρω, oi διαφήμισή σας θα φταση σε 375 τοποθεσίες στη Ρουμανία!
. Οι πρώτες πιο ολοκληρωμένο online διαφημίσεις υπηρεσία .

Η διαφήμισή σας σε όλες τις σημαντικές περιοχές στη Ρουμανία.
Σας παρέχουμε 100% των αποτελεσμάτων, επειδή η διαφήμισή σας μπορεί να δει πάνω από 1.250.000 άτομα ανά ημέρα .
Ανακοίνωση θα παραμείνει για τρεις μηνες διαφημίσεις .
χρησιμοποιώντας την σελίδα επικοινωνίας της ιστοσελίδας.

Skype : promoveaza
Ευχαριστω πολυ!









place here your privacy disclaimer and unsubscribe .aggelies_romania@yahoo.com

Δευτέρα 15 Οκτωβρίου 2012

Ζεσταθείτε οικονομικά - λέβητες αερίου συμπύκνωσης

Επίτοιχοι λέβητες φυσικού αερίου και υγραερίου Comfort Classic. Τεχνολογίας συμπύκνωσης για χαμηλή κατανάλωση.  
Λύσεις οικονομικής θέρμανσης από την GazPro 


Ολλανδικός σχεδιασμός και κατασκευή : Η εταιρεία Daalderop ιδρύθηκε το 1880 και είναι ηγέτης στην Ολλανδική αγορά στην κατασκευή προϊόντων ζεστού νερού και θέρμανσης. Συνδυάζοντας μοναδική ποιότητα κατασκευής και υψηλή τεχνολογία, κέρδισε το βραβείο της έκθεσης VSK. 

Ζεσταθείτε Οικονομικά

Λέβητες Τεχνολογίας Συμπυκνωμάτων Φυσικού Αερίου - Υγραερίου με Χαμηλή Κατανάλωση

Μοναδική Προσφορά : 10 % Έκπτωση στην αγορά λέβητα αερίου Comfort Classic. Η προσφορά ισχύει μόνο για τους παραλήπτες του συγκεκριμμένου μηνύματος και για περιορισμένο αριθμό προϊόντων.  

Σύγχρονος Σχεδιασμός

Όλα τα προϊοντα συνδυάζουν υψηλή ποιότητα κατασκευής με τις πιο σύγχρονες μεθόδους παραγωγής . Ο τέλειος συνδυασμός αισθητικής και λέιτουργίας με την εμπειρία των 130 ετών της Ολλανδικής εταιρείας Daalderop.  

Μοναδική Τεχνολογία

Υψηλή απόδοση με χαμηλή κατανάλωση χάρη στα μοναδικά χαρακτηριστικά του. Τεχνολογία συμπύκνωσης και σύστημα θέρμανσης με 2 αυτόνομες ζώνες. Με χάλκινο δοχείο αποθήκευσης νερόυ χρήσης 50 ή 80 λίτρων

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες καλέστε μας στο τηλέφωνο : 210 988 16 16 
Για να επισκευτείτε την ιστοσελίδα πατήστε εδώ

Για διαγραφή ακολουθήστε τον σύνδεσμο: To unsubscribe follow the url:

Πέμπτη 4 Οκτωβρίου 2012

Parliament for $24.50, Camel $19.00, Winston $17.50 per carton

Dear Customer!
Discount for Camel and Kent cigarettes will be valid until September 29.
When you buy products from us - you receive:
1. Cigarettes of high quality, made in Eastern Europe.
2. 7/24 email, phone and live chat support.
3. Quick delivery to your home.
4. Discount and Bonus programs. (you will get a discount 2% for summary orders more then 2K USD, 3 % for 5K USD and 4% for 10K USD)
5. Your accounts home page, where you can see the history and status of your orders, change your personal information and password, view your wishlist products, create reminders.
6. We don't report tax or customer information to any government agency or other entity.
7. You can track your parcels on usps.com
Today we sell Parliament for $24.50, Camel $19.00, Winston $17.50 per carton (200 cigarettes).
Now we ship cigarettes only to USA by airmail from Eastern Europe.
The cost of shipping is $9.40 per carton. In the US delivery time is 3-4 weeks.
We take Visa Card. Echeck payments will be available again soon.
Best regards, 100cigs